Well, not too much to report. Had a long day at work, came home and did the Shred. It was hard because I was so sore. But I got through it. Had I actually written this on the day I did it I may have had more to say...sorry


Well it's about damn time! And let me give you some advice, DO NOT, give your self a two week break from this workout!!! lol. I don't know what got into me but I just couldn't get myself to work out...at all! And man did I pay for it. I did level 2 again, and after two weeks I thought I was going to die.  I was really shocked at how much endurance I lost over those 14 or so days. And man oh man was I sore the nesxt day!!! It was nice to be sore but I will never take that long of a break again. I also added on a few pounds eklkk, Well I'll make this short because I have 3 more days to catch up on....I hope I got across how bad that sucked...


So I suck. I haven't posted in a week and I haven't worked out in a week either. Opps. I found out on Monday that my dress was already in! It was so shocking! It wasn't supose to leave Florida until June 18th! But here it is!!! So I thought on Monday "Ok, I'll work out every day this week just in case it doesn't fit" But when I'm stressed I eat soo much and have no motivation to work out. And we're having a lot of money problems right now so I've been really worried. When I was told my dress came in for some reason I got so worried it woudln't fit I couldn't even work out!

Well my mom and I drove up to Loveland this morning and it fits!!! Oh man was that a relief! I can breath better without it on a little lol, but I know I'll have no problem. I think I have about 5 lbs to go and I'll be sooo happy. There was a little snag on the front of the beads and tulle but when I find a seemstress I'll ask if she can fix it. :-) It's not haning up on my door. God I'm happy. (I can't believe it's a USA size 6!)

Then I went to the mail box and found 2 RSVP's AND............... My FI's ring is here! I ordered it this last Wednesday I couldn't believe it got here so fast. And I just used the free shipping. It is Titanium so when he gets off work tonight he'll come over and try it on. If it fits I can send it back to get engraved. YAY!!!!! Such a great day. I can't seem to copy the picture of the ring, and the pictures above are from my little sister's camera and it's not a great camera. I'm also having a hard time taking a picture of his ring so here it is on the website. http://www.titaniumkay.com/2nd-Generation-Tungsten-Carbide-Two-Tone-Wedding-Band-Ring-w-Grooves-P103791.html

I'll do the shred again either tomorrow or Monday, depending on the day, and since I'm off Monday for the holiday it seems like a good time to re-start my workout routine! :-)

oh man ...I just let all the BM's know FI's ring is in. one said "Oh thats great! When will yours be in??" :-(  FI doens't have any money to buy mine. What a buz kill.


I did it!!!!! I woke up this morning and did the video! I have a new work schedule (which I'm still trying to come to terms with) I used to work 8-6:30 Tuesday through Friday. I'd have to be up at 6am to leave by 7, since I work 36 miles from home. This is why all of my workouts had to be after work. I just couldn't bring my self to get up at 5am to do any sort of exercise besides breathing.

Well starting this week I'm working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10-6:30 and Wednesday 9-5:30. Some how I wasn't able to get up and work out the last two days but this morning (when I had to leave by 8am) I was able to get up and do it. I'm actually really proud of my self because I LOVE to sleep. When my alarm went off I just kept saying "get up, come one, lets go GET UP!!!!" lol

The work out was difficult. I have a hard time breathing when doing this level. I do have asthma which is both due to allergies, exercise and anything else that can agitate it. Just the shear fact that I'm doing cardio at all is fantastic. In School I was sooo miserable, that was before Advair (which I have a love-hate relationship with) and my asthma made me so sick and in gym I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. When I started running a few years ago EVERY one was shocked, including me. I think I should keep in mind how far I have come since then, and not beat myself up when I can't do the workout just perfect, and without stopping for even a second. I'm getting better. I know I'm hard on myself.

I think the best advice I could give right now is that no matter how hard the video is KEEP MOVING! She says it a few times during the workout. And that I think is very important. Even when I think I'm about to die and I don't think I can do anymore, I keep going just not at such a huge impact. I don't stop, except for a couple seconds right before that jump and twist move. By that point I'm practically gasping for air.

As far as results. I don't see or feel any, in the sense of weight loss or inches lost. People around me say I look good, and that they can tell a difference but I really wonder if they're just saying it. I'll keep going, thats for sure.

I guess the real testament will be when my dress gets in.

We re-ordered a 6 (after the 10 fell off me) and at the body size I was then (2/14/09) they were going to need to take in the boobs and maybe let out the hips a tiny bit. My goal is for them to not have to let out ANY thing. I know there's nothing short of implants that I can do about the boobage lol. But my dress is already coming in 3 weeks before the wedding and I want them to have to do as little work as possible.


Last night after work I did my 4th day on level 2. I was hoping to do it yesterday morning but that hadn't worked. This work out is still kicking my butt. I have to do the "easy" way for the plank jacks and the other plank where your supose to jump back and forth. I'm also doing the easy one for the ab work where you are to use the weights. no way I can do those yet!

I'm also having some difficulty with the lunging forward and backword while doing the hand weights. At first I can go all the way down in the lunge and even touch my knee to the floor but by the time I'm almost done with the second leg I'm only going half way down.

I do have to admit I LOVE the walking push ups. I don't know why but I actually think they are fun! lol.

I didn't make it to the gym last night. I instead caught up on House and watched the season finale! Love that show!


ok, it's taken me a couple of days to post this, but better late than never right? I did day 3 on level 2 on Saturday morning. I actually did it before my Wedding Shower! (Which was so great). I know I had a little more endurance on this day. I think it helped that I hadn't worked for 10 hours before doing it. I'm still doing the easy sets, not following "Natalie" but I'm just happy that I'm doing it! Those planks really kill me. I'm switching between my 5 lb weights and those cans of fruit and that seems to be helping.

I also bought that making the cut book. I haven't been able to do anything with it yet as far as the 30 day diet or workout, but I've almost finished reading the entire thing and I love it. I can't wait to actually start using it.

Today it the 12th and I haven't been to the gym yet. I wanted to start yesterday but it just didn't work out for me. I also haven't done The Shred since Saturday. Sunday was mother's day and I was very busy. And yesterday I wasn't feeling well. I was going to do it this morning but slept too late lol. Man I'm full of excuses. But I will do it again tonight...oh joy :-)


This level is sooo much harder for me. I'm having a hard time keeping proper form. The plank position is very difficult. I start the move and think "oh this is easy" and then I realize that I'm in push up position not plank and then I can't take it lol. Both tonight and last night I actually felt like I was going to throw up. What the heck is that about?!?! I don't have too much more to say yet. It's hard, and I hate it, and I just wish we could all her perfect bodies without ever having to work and we could eat all the oreos and chewy oatmeals cookies we want.


I'm litterally still panting. Crap that was a tough workout!!!!! I have never sweat so much in my life. Wow, all day long I couldn't wait to get home and do level 2, and at the begining I was thinking "oh this isn't so bad" That lasted about 4 mins. After that I was done. And oh my god.........those stomach exercises I was so excited about?!? What the hell is my problem??? I couldn't do one! lol. Like I said before I hold on to the bottom of my bed frame or I put my hands under my butt, I have NO idea how I'm going to do these. I even put down the weights and tried it the "easy" way.....I truley don't know how to work up that muscle I guess.

Ok, I'm not panting any more. I think that means I have a good recovery time. If I know correctly the longer it take you to recover the worse shape your in lol. It only took me about 6 mins. My arms already feel like jello. Boy oh boy, can I just stay at level 1?


Wow! I was sweating like a pig! I didn't stop for one second, I did everything has hard as I could, if someone would have been standing in front of me during those punch/squats they would have died! lol. I should mention that part of my sweating was due to the fact that my bedroom door and window were shut ALL day and I'm upstairs so it was HOT! Either way, sweating = more calorie burn. I really feel like I got in a really good workout. Maybe part if it was because I knew after tonight I was done with level one.

Things I noticed: Each workout at some point my left side will hurt. I can breath through it but it's still painful. I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. I get it when running mostly. Tonight though I didn't feel any pain until the last set of jumping jacks and it was very brief. I did the chest flys, dumb bell rows/squats with the 5 lbs weight and then the sqaut/shoulder press and side lunge/shoulder raise with the fruit. The shoulder press was a little eaiser but those shoulder raises (I may not be calling these the right name, I'm talking about the time you raise the weights up to eye level while doing a side lunge) are killing me still! I guess I most not have *any* top shoulder muscles haha. The pushups weren't too bad. Still doing them on my knees. This time though my cat was in my room and he kept trying yo get underneath me, and I couldn't stop laughing. Then he noticed the string on my pants and attacked heehee.

I did sit down right after the workout and watch level 2. I like to know whats coming...and now I'm scared. I am predicting that my thighs are going to huuuurt! Wow! But a couple good things I noticed about the next level:

They seem to have a LOT more energy, very peppy. I like this. I didn't realize the lack of motovation in the first level. I'm sure this is because it's a "warm up" to the next level so they tone it down a little. I like the high energy though. It makes me more motivated and I feel like there is actually someone doing this with me. (even though I have a pretty good feeling they stop recording at some point and start again as if they haven't) Also I saw they do the reverse sit up I LOVE. I mentioned then a few times before. But they go one step further and add the hand weights over your chest. I'm so excited they have these as a work out. I am curious as to how I'll do. normally I have to hold the bottom of my bed or put my hands just under my butt when I do these. It's kinda funny, I end up scooting across the floor otherwise! Let me know if anyone else has ever experianced this heehee. I know if I work REALLY hard on keeping my belly button pushed into the "floor" it's not as bad, but we'll see how I do tomorrow!

I think thats it for tonight. I can't wait to do this tomorrow. Tomorrow I might be singing a different tune....


Ok, I've been out of town so I'll catch up now. Friday May 1st was day number 8. I know it was difficult, and I was hating it, but now 4 days later it hardley matters lol. I know I was trying to remember things to post about when I got back, but I guess they weren't that important. I do remember that I was exaugsted. It's very hard to do that work out 8 days in a row, and frankly I'm SHOCKED I was able to do it. And proud of my self. It was actually riduiculas to even be doing it on Friday. Wednesday night my FI told me he was going on a motorcylce ride around the city after work with some friends. Well that was at about 11:00pm. We don't live together and he said he would call me when he got home (It always makes me nervous when he is out on his bike late) Well, at 12:40 am I woke up and realized he hadn't called me yet. I tried to call him but he was on the bike. I was wide awake until 2:30 that morning when he finally got home and called me. Then it took me until 3:30am to actually be able to go back to sleep. I had to be up at 6am. So I got up at 6 worked for 10 hours, got home at 7:30 pm, did day number 7 of the shred, took a shower and then got ready to go out for the premier of Wolverine. Which started at 12:01am, that got out at 2:30, I got home at about 3am FI left around 3:30 and I finally went to sleep....only to get up at 6 again work or 10 hours get home at 7:30 and then do day number 8!!! I really can't believe I didn't pass out haha. I was even up until 12:30 am and had to get up at 4:45 am to go to the airport for our flight.

I had every intention of bringing my portable DVD player and the DVD. But I completly forgot to pack it and it was too late by the time I remembered. So I had 3 days off the Shred. I am a little dissapointed that I missed some days. I know, it's not that big of a deal but like I've said before, I'm a little obsessive compulsive and I like to do things in order, blah blah blah lol. ok, on to Day 9....